Join Us

We accept members from all around the country who want to unite to make a difference. We would love for you to join us as a member of Flora and Fauna of Aotearoa and support our positive vision for the future. We believe that we all have a role to play in the restoration and protection of our environment. Whether you contribute financially or volunteer your time, skills or expertise – together we will work towards a thriving natural environment and abundant biodiversity.

Membership benefits include AGM invite & voting rights, newsletters, networking, strategic plan development and collaboration.

By completing and submitting the form below, you agree to the following Membership Oath:
– I support an environment free of pollution and cruel and inhumane toxins.
– I support the rights of water and all flora and fauna, native and non-native.
– I support sustainable and regenerative environmental management.

To become a member of Flora and Fauna of Aotearoa please email our team at

You can also support us by making a donation, great or small.

Bank Account:
Flora and Fauna of Aotearoa