A Brave new voice for all creatures, great and small.

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The People’s Inquiry: The People’s Inquiry into the Impacts and Effects of Toxic Chemicals and Poisons on our People, Wildlife and Environment – Te Uiuinga e pā ana ki nga Pātanga me nga Tukinotanga a nga Matū Tāoke me nga Paitini ki ngā Tāngata, nga Kararehe Kōwao me te Taiao

The People’s Inquiry collected submissions from those harmed by toxic chemicals and poisons, as well as scientists, researchers and health professionals. Visit the Inquiry website for links to the 3-day online hearing held in November 2021 and more information, interviews and news.

Read the Public Submissions Catalogue published April 2024. www.peoplesinquiry2020.nz

Natural Verges: Take back your verge and plant it up for the birds and the bees. We are working on a fun initiative that the whole community can get behind. Keeping toxic poisons out of our environment by reclaiming your roadside verge for nature! We are currently putting together a Nature’s Verge Guide to help support people to take responsibility for their verge. Read more here about how to create a Nature’s Verge and download our Spray Free signs below. They look great printed, laminated and posted on your verge or fence.

Spray Free Zone

No Poison Here

Bees Live Here

Pardon The Weeds – They’re for the birds & bees

Ecocide and Toxic Chemicals:

The pollution of our natural environment is something that affects us all. We want to see government and councils take action and show leadership addressing these longstanding issues. This means changing entrenched harmful practices and instead choosing sustainable, chemical-free practices.

These are the recommendations of Flora and Fauna of Aotearoa, Transition Towns Bay of Islands-Whangaroa, Non-Toxic Neighbourhoods Northland and the Northland Toxin Awareness Group.

Read the recommendations here.

News and Articles

FFA – Scoop Media Page

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Flora and Fauna of Aotearoa